September Schedule

Another great month ahead for us!

September 2: spiced meatballs with sriracha sauce (p. 74)

September 16: gazpacho with herbed goat cheese toasts (p. 121)

September 30 (inaugural “Extra Edition”): sardine spread (p. 78)

Remember that the Extra Edition is an optional Friday.

September Nominations

Please choose 3 total recipes to nominate–2 for our regularly scheduled Fridays and 1 for our new feature, CtBF: Extra Edition!

Our 2 regular Fridays are

September 2 and September 16

For Friday, September 30,  we will have our inaugural Extra Edition!

Here’s how it works: there are always some recipes people avoid due to an ingredient or technique outside of their norm. For any month with 5 Fridays, we will have an Extra Edition where we tackle one such recipe. The admins will look at the nominated recipes and choose 1 for the group to cook. It’s optional, but a great opportunity to try something new or different.

Please delineate your recipe nomination for Extra Edition from your “regular” nominations.

I will post the poll for the regular edition recipes this weekend. Otherwise, post below with any questions or concerns!